
Communion connects us to the past, connects us to Christ, connects us to community, and connects us to the future. We connect/encounter Christ in communion through remembering his suffering.

Spiritual Warfare Pt.2

March 31, 2019
What happens when peace intersects chaos? When what God wants in our lives collides with what the world brings into our lives? Pastor Matt continues with part 2 of the…
New series called Encounter. Pastor Matt begins a 2 part message on spiritual warfare.  2 Cor 2.11 "Do not be unaware of the Devil's devices." Knowing whom we fight, what we…

Encounter of Deliverance

March 17, 2019

Vital Community

March 17, 2019
While on vacation, Pastor Matt concludes the Vital series along with some help from the SW congregation. 

A Cleansing Encounter

March 10, 2019

Vital Service

March 10, 2019
What are the vital signs in the life of a Christ follower? Is there actually a barometer of what living like Christ looks like? These are the things that really…
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