
The Lord can use life situations for His mission & our benefit. Our role is to be available and willing, not always able and ready. Hear Derek Waters' testimony of transformation.

Beyond Obstacles

May 17, 2020
One follower of Jesus talked about forgetting, but Jesus himself also talked about remembering. The key is to know what parts of life to apply to which action. 

All In

May 3, 2020
Lost your joy recently? How do you experience joy in everyday living or in the midst of crisis? Experience answers you may have not known you needed.
Lost your joy recently? How do you experience joy in everyday living or in the midst of crisis? Experience answers you may have not known you needed.

World Changing Prayer

April 26, 2020
We all like to brag about being in the presence of greatness. What does it really do for us, though?
We all like to brag about being in the presence of greatness. What does it really do for us, though?
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Live Stream

St. Luke’s 10:30am

St. Luke’s Live Stream

The Way 8:30 & 10:45am

The Way Live Stream